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We Believe You.

We believe our job is to

stand with survivors

We believe in every survivor’s

capacity to heal and thrive

We believe social change is possible

through awareness and accountability

We believe sexual violence is a community

problem and demands a community solution

We’re here for you

  • 24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline

    Phone support for crises, information, and emotional assistance. Call: (972) 641-7273

  • Advocacy

    Crisis intervention, information, resources, and ongoing support.

  • Supporting Loved Ones

    Support services for all of those impacted by sexual violence.

  • Healing

    Confidential individual and group counseling.

We provide unwavering support, advocacy and hope for those impacted by sexual violence

At Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center (DARCC), we believe in the power of education, and our goal is to promote a culture of consent, respect, and accountability within the community. We stand with survivors, challenging societal norms that perpetuate sexual violence and working tirelessly towards our vision of a world free from sexual violence. Get to know more about the mission and vision.

Get Involved

As the only independent, comprehensive rape crisis center in Dallas County, we rely on our community of supporters to help us serve survivors of sexual assault. Find out how you can join us in achieving our vision of a world free from sexual violence.

Since our founding in 2010, we have:

Trained 796 volunteer advocates

Answered 16,217 crisis hotline calls

Reached 124,253 individuals with outreach & education

Agency News & Updates