Legal Advocacy
Advocates are available to accompany the survivor to the police station and courthouse upon request.
What Are Legal Advocates?
DARCC advocates can provide emotional support and accompaniment to survivors, explain the next steps in the legal process, and address any questions.
Our advocates can support survivors as they navigate the criminal or civil legal system in the following ways:
Inform you of your rights
Provide law enforcement and judicial accompaniment
Assist with applying for any Victim’s Assistance Programs
Assist in applying for Protective Orders or obtaining Early Lease Termination
Work with law enforcement to provide you with updates on your case
Connect you to local partners for help in accessing legal representation
Assist in navigating any legal issues related to housing, workplace, education, and more
Our advocates are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice or opinions.
Needing Legal Advocacy?
For law enforcement or judicial accompaniment:
Call our 24-hour sexual assault hotline at (972) 641-7273
State when and where you would like to have an advocate meet you
Our team will take down your name and phone number, and a staff member will follow up with you in 2-3 business days to discuss the availability of an advocate
If you need immediate accompaniment (within 24-48 hours):
Call our 24-hour sexual assault hotline at (972) 641-7273
Inform the advocate about the timeframe for your law enforcement or judicial accompaniment
We do our best to accommodate all requests for accompaniment